贝索斯也在线了 好多都在线啊 快来不及了 我要去弄房子申请欠缺的表格了 再转发一两组吧 就得先去了、、、okayyy now I see Mr. Bezos getting on too ,,,, awwww he was supposed to go on next any way didn’t have to but so nice of my bosses to get on themselves thanks for the wait ,,, I’ll take care of Mr. Bezos just a few more times just because I have missed him so much in the past couple days so as Mr. Gates ,,, now I also saw Apple’s Deidre posting now and I will cover Apple after Mr. Bezos now cause I also owe Apple a bunch from days ago ,,, and also Louis Vuitton was on too ,,, and I just found out that Givenchy and Celine are all under LVMH too and they were just posting not too long ago and I will get you all covered just because you belong to the LVMH family okayy ,,, and LVMH is paying me 30K a month for all the nice hearted work it does for me so I will definitely keep a special care for all the LVMH brands ,,, now don’t worry more fashion brands I’m also eager to present you all too ,,, it’s just that LVMH pays for me so I need to care for it with more attention so yahhh hope everybody is cool but yahh I’ll definitely care for all fashion brands too cause I love y’all so so much,,, and also Temu was on 24 minutes ago lol lol lol,,, so nice catching everyone but I actually have to go to the DPSS office / social services office at 10:30 for my housing application missing documents so gotta do that so I need to get ready to go soon but let me just finish the ones for Mr. Bezos first then I’ll be back taking care more of you ,,, there is Apple just now ,,, Louis Vuitton ,,, and Temu I caught for now ,,, and more from days ago that I owe ,,, and I also need to check in with Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs too ,,, cause I don’t want it to keep on waiting and not being able to post things for their accounts ,,, but yahh thank you for your active participation ,,, I’m really happy and glad to be at your service and hope my new contract is making everybody feel much better cause before I always have to priories the boss stuff now it’s like change of weather lolll suddenly at your footsteps for all your service niceee feeling right ?!!? That’s why paying the money matters okayyy I’ll get Mr. Bezos all caught up with a few more and I’ll talk to more of you after I get back from the DPSS office and I’ll take y’all with me too as I go to give shoutouts to the American government for my general relief and food stamp ,,, but anyways thank you to Mr. Bezos for being so nice for kindly showing up when he didn’t have to cause I still owe him but still showing up using his main account ,,, he’s for sure very nice so I need to take care of all my best clients better ,,, now posting a few extra for Mr. Bezos too just to make up okayy ?!!? And LVMH I’ll cover you more with Louis Vuitton too and I’ll try for Celine and Givenchy when there is time ,,, thank you for following along I love love love you all so much ,,, and thank you Apple for waiting too !!! I know I haven’t talked back to Mr. Gates and google yet but thank you for your patience and kindness for waiting ,,, I’ll get to y’all as soon as possible but now I have to also get ready to go to my DPSS visit ,,, the social worker is picking me up soon ,,, so will prolly see everyone after I talk to Mr. Bezos thank you for so actively participating engaging and following along with me ,,,, thank you for your enthusiasm and warm support ,,, I for sure loveeee it thank you alll

马斯克的支付篇又发了~~ now catching PayPal from 23 minutes ago and Mr. Musk must have been reaching out awww ,,, and I still owe PayPal so many posts from before and let me take care of that too after I care for the ones I missed from the companies yesterday k ,,, I pretty much owe everyone a whole bunch so I will try to take care everybody to my best ability ,,, I’m reposting the ones that’s showing up right now ,,, going kinda fast cause the internet here at the motel is much faster so don’t miss out on yourselves scroll through to see everything ,,, also Kylie was on too !!! Hiii Kylie so happy for your fragrance launch !!! It looks so beautiful and elegant I can’t wait to try it !!! love love love all my loves on this and love love love working with y’all ,,, working in the morning feels great I love it heart heart heart thank you Mr. Musk and thank you PayPal love love love you all my companies and love you everyone

起来工作啦~~ 今天睡的还可以 哈哈哈~~ up doing work now and had a restful night last night and slept a lot the day before so I feel well rested ,,, here to work and talk to everybody today but I do have to go to the social services office and get the validation of benefits letters for my housing application and also going back to my mom’s place today so I will be out of office a lot today but I’ll try to update people along the way too ,,, love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone ,,, starting off with new ones from Mr. Musk and can’t wait to get connected with all of y’all ,,, I miss y’all so much ,,, now I already saw Ashley getting it on 50+ minutes ago ,,, and I hope I get repost for her too today ?!?? Hope I can get to more of you today and I also promised on the lunar new year repost and more fashion show detailed reposts from all your amazing designs so those are all upcoming plans in the work for my reposts but yahhh gotta do my regular maintence of work and making sure everyone paying is taking care of first so yahhh I’m see everyone soon for their reposts love love love Mr. Musk and all my boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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