宝洁公司、、proctor and gamble is also on their account everyday pretty much sending out for their socials and I can’t wait to get to my own place and buy all the cleaning products from Proctor and Gamble and feature them and using all your products and services and feature y’all and giving y’all major thanks and loves ,,, thank you everybody for supporting me and my work ,,,, couldn’t have done it without you ,,, and very happy to serve you !!! Love you P&G

又好慢了 天啊啊啊!!!不过今天早上扎克伯格的公司也有点猫了,,, (so freakin slow again I gotta redo this uplaod again !!!!) however this morning I did get a little bit of cat situation from Zuck’s company account too,,, it varies from the degree and amount of cat for how much dissatisfaction people have,,, since this is a minor cat appearance / situation in not the most main account ,,, I suppose the dissatisfaction is not too major plus later Zuck came out on his own account meaning it’s feedbacks are fixed to good standings ,,, but yahhh I’m eager to fix anything and make it better for y’all if I messed up on anything or missed taking care of you or something please let me know ,,, I will try to fix it right away ,,, thank you Zuck for your quick forgiveness love you and all my bosses and everyone

终于有个投行是打网球儿的了 网球儿我小时候也学过 但是没太好好学 打得比较烂 高尔夫我学地好一点、、现在也比较喜欢、、我还参加了篮球和排球的校队 都是第三梯队 是真地打得很烂了 一看我就比较艺术 哈哈哈 但是高尔夫我是喜欢的、、、浅聊一会儿~~ ohhh niceee JP Morgan is on the tennis tournament as all the other banking firms are on golf ,,, what I noticed ,,, that’s so cool and interesting y’all got your own field of support ,,, I also took tennis classes too besides golf when I was young but I didn’t take it too seriously and I sucked ,,, and also played volleyball and basketball in high school cause they make you join a team ,,, and I obviously sucked in those sport being on the 3rds team more like bench players but actually the coaches were really nice so they make sure we all played lolll ,,, clearly more into the arts and music but I really love golf tho and swimming I loveeeee and I need to get moving ,,, feel so stuck at this everyday glued to my phone not the healthiest need to get moving ,,, but yahhhh want to get back to playing golf sometimes maybe ,,, and tennis looks fun too ,,, I might try again so yahhh thank you for supporting the sports league all the banking firms I see y’all do ,,,, how nice !!! Loveeee you JP Morgan ,,, see you around really soon

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