Memorable Scene from UnknownEP7- The mobile phone scene.

This is a heartbreaking scene..
It was unique because of the words that remain UNSPOKEN.
That created such an emotional impact!!
Qian is hesitant to call , yet he makes a feeble attempt and immediately hangs up.
His heart can't take it , but he knows he will get a reply.
He closes his eyes when he answers the immediate call back ... without speaking much at all...
Because all he can think of is that voice !! He yearned to hear Yuans voice....a flood of memories come rushing back when he listens to that familiar voice..
The unspoken words are heavy and are more meaningful than what he says...
The unspoken words you can interpret on your own..
( maybe It could be...
I miss you terribly
Come back home
I can't live like this anymore
I didn't realize how much you mean to me
Etc, etc )
I feel that the director and script writer did an exemplary job here...
If these words were spoken, it would lose the impact...!!!
That silence and hesitation.
And the act of Qian just living in that moment , closing his eyes , listening to Yuans voice....
Time stopped for that moment
For both of them...

And now Yuan...
He was ghosted by Qian for 4 years !!
Not one reply to his numerous texts
Not one phone call...
Nothing .
But he kept in touch with Lilli and the busybody San Pang, so he knew his brother was relatively ok.

He NEVER came back home until he got that indirect text of "I Miss You" from Qian

Of course, Qian would never say that..

That's what he meant when he texted to Yuan
"Come if you miss home,"

Guess what, faster than a speeding bullet , Yuan comes rushing back!!
Why, because he got permission from his Ge!!!

This story is a MASTERPIECE!!

#wiley期刊推荐##心理学# 特刊鉴读 NUR | 社会文化和环境对心理健康的影响[心]

This special issue includes topics such as epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of mental illness, the intersection of culture, mental and physical health, substance use, the effects of racism and other forms of discrimination on mental health, and the mental health of certain historically marginalized groups, including underrepresented and/or underserved racial and ethnic groups, immigrants, LGBTQ+ communities, and rural populations, among others.

SI Link: Special Issue on Sociocultural and Contextual Influences on Mental Health: Research in Nursing & Health: Vol 47, No 2 https://t.cn/A6HILhnS

neglect work,education neglect
1.Such retaliation arises from purely personal considerations, to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the Party as a whole.
2.Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.
3.However, this is not so much a weakness in his work as it is the inevitable result of scholars' neglect of this period.

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