#郑云龙[超话]# 扬州培训两天 单曲循环了两天的诗人的旅途 歌词的意境使我联想到歌德的诗
I think of you,
when I see the sun's shimmer
Gleaming from the sea.
I think of you,
when the moon's glimmer
Is reflected in the springs.
I see you,
when on the distant road .
The dust rises,
In deep night,
when on the narrow bridge
The traveler trembles.
I hear you,
when with a dull roar The wave surges. In the quiet grove I often go to listen :
when all is silent.
I am with you,
however far away you may be,
You are next to me! !
The sun is setting, soon the stars will shine upon me.

If only you were here!


《What drove me to dream was the sun》


The sound of the birds' singing woke me up
This new day was busy with the singing of birds encouraging me
Fresh air rushed in through the window
So my life began to be as active as the morning sun

No matter how bad your life was yesterday, today is another day to start as active as the morning sun
The sun keep everything alive full active
The sun made me imagine my life today as a flower blossom

The night gave me the dreams
The sun, however, pushed me to actually be busy pursuing my dreams
The sun rises every day, and of course, my dream is to grow an inch and I want to grow another foot

The sound of the birds' singing woke me up
It is the sun that makes birds sing
The out of the window of the morning glows with life
I'm sure I'll be busy with my dreams again today


《What drove me to dream was the sun》


The sound of the birds' singing woke me up
This new day was busy with the singing of birds encouraging me
Fresh air rushed in through the window
So my life began to be as active as the morning sun

No matter how bad your life was yesterday, today is another day to start as active as the morning sun
The sun keep everything alive full active
The sun made me imagine my life today as a flower blossom

The night gave me the dreams
The sun, however, pushed me to actually be busy pursuing my dreams
The sun rises every day, and of course, my dream is to grow an inch and I want to grow another foot

The sound of the birds' singing woke me up
It is the sun that makes birds sing
The out of the window of the morning glows with life
I'm sure I'll be busy with my dreams again today

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