李 涉
I was drunk, half asleep, through the whole livelong day.
Hearing spring’d soon be gone, I hurried on my way.
In a bamboo courtyard I chatted with a monk,
And so leisurely passed one more half-day away.

Renée Fleming, Kelli O'Hara, Joyce DiDonato
Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus
Yannick Nézet-Séguin - Puts: The Hours (24-48)

Kevin Puts
01 The Hours: Act 1, Prologue. 'Flowers... Flowers' (Chorus)
02 The Hours: Act 1, 'Platters! - What's That, Babe?' (Clarissa, Sally, Chorus)
03 The Hours: Act 1, 'She Pauses at Its Threshold…' (Chorus, Clarissa, Man Under the Arch, Walter, Virginia)
04 The Hours: Act 1, 'Go Slowly. Ignore Your Novel' (Virginia, Clarissa, Chorus, Leonard)
05 The Hours: Act 1, 'There's the Scowl' (Virginia, Leonard, Chorus)
06 The Hours: Act 1, 'Clarissa! - Barbara!' (Barbara, Clarissa, Chorus, Virginia, Leonard)
07 The Hours: Act 1, 'Richmond… She Opens the Curtains' (Virginia, Chorus, Man Under the Arch)
08 The Hours: Act 1, 'Missus Dalloway Said She Would Buy the Flowers Herself' (Laura, Virginia, Chorus, Dan, Richie)
09 The Hours: Act 1, 'Oh Dan. Roses? On Your Birthday?' (Laura, Dan, Richie, Chorus)
10 The Hours: Act 1, 'You Know What We're Going to Do?' (Laura, Virginia, Richie, Clarissa)
11 The Hours: Act 1, 'Here on This Corner' (Clarissa)
12 The Hours: Act 1, 'Good Morning, My Love!' (Clarissa, Richard, Angelica, Quentin, Julian)
13 The Hours: Act 1, 'We Need Four Cups' (Laura, Richie, Chorus, Nelly, Virginia)
14 The Hours: Act 1, 'Oh! A Reminder, Ma'am, Your Sister's Coming at Two' (Nelly, Virginia, Richie, Laura, Kitty, Chorus, Angelica, Quentin, Julian, Man Under the Arch)
15 The Hours: Act 1, '...'Cause I'm Going to Die' (Chorus, Clarissa, Sally)
16 The Hours: Act 2, 'Heaven? Somebody Else's Heaven?' (Chorus, Laura, Hotel Clerk)
17 The Hours: Act 2, 'Did It Matter Then, She Asked Herself' (Laura, Virginia)
18 The Hours: Act 2, 'It's Happened - I Thought I'd Be Overjoyed, Richard!' (Leonard, Clarissa, Chorus)
19 The Hours: Act 2, 'Louis? - Clarissa. Caught Me Smoking' (Clarissa, Louis, Chorus)
20 The Hours: Act 2, 'Ent(ha)da oikeîs en te ge' (Chorus, Angelica, Quentin, Julian, Virginia, Vanessa, Laura)
21 The Hours: Act 2, 'Richard! Get Down from There' (Clarissa, Richard)
22 The Hours: Act 2, 'For Alone You Are Holy…' (Chorus, Man Under the Arch)
23 The Hours: Act 2, 'Mm... 'Stead of Jousting You'd Rather…' (Mrs. Latch, Richie, Laura, Clarissa, Virginia, Leonard, Nelly)
24 The Hours: Act 2, 'Happy My Birthday!' (Dan, Richie, Walter, Sally, Louis, Clarissa, Virginia, Leonard, Laura)
25 The Hours: Act 2, 'This Is My Partner, Sally' (Clarissa, Sally, Laura, Dan, Leonard)
26 The Hours: Act 2, 'All Along?' (Clarissa, Laura, Virginia)


The struggle when you want to use “and” in Mandarin Chinese...

• 和,跟:We use the to combine to nouns or two noun phrases like this:
我跟他是同学。 (wǒ gēn tā shì tóngxué.) He and I are classmates.
苹果和香蕉都很好吃。 (píngguǒ hé xiāngjiāo dōu yǒu hěn hǎo chī.) Apples and bananas are both very tasty.

• 也:We use it to join verbs together:
我喜欢篮球也喜欢足球。 (wǒ xǐhuān lánqiú yě xǐhuān zúqiú.) I like basketball and soccer.

• 与:Used formally and in writting as in:
战争与和平 (zhànzhēng yǔ hépíng) War and peace

• 并且,还有,而,而且:These words can be used in the beginning of a sentence or in the middle like the words Furthermore, Additionally and so on.
这部电影很有意思还有表演演的非常好。 (zhè bù diànyǐng hěn yǒuyìsi hái yǒu biǎoyǎn yǎn de fēicháng hǎo.) This movie is very interesting and the actors performed very well.

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